The reputation of a law firm is built entirely on the respect and experience it is able to offer clients who need assistance with their professional liability defense issues. The senior trial lawyers at Kjar, McKenna & Stockalper have been practicing in the industry for over 25 years and have dealt with nearly every kind of defense issue there is. With the support of our young, innovative legal team, KMS has won victory after victory for our clients ranging from trial and arbitration victories, dispositive motions and dismissals. These are examples out of a small sample set of our cases. Please keep in mind that every case is fact specific and different, and that these outcomes do not represent what we may be able to obtain for you in your specific case.
Jury gives Jason Petersen and Jim Kjar defense verdict in Elder Abuse/Wrongful death trial
The case involved treatment given to an elderly patient. Plaintiff claimed that her mother was under the care of defendant for treatment of her heart and respiratory problems. The case contained claims for Elder Abuse, Wrongful Death/Medical Negligence and requested attorney fees and punitive damages against the health care provider, a national company. After a…
Read MoreRyan Deane and Alexandra Baraff secure verdict in favor of Nurse Practitioner in Antelope Valley
In a two-week trial before Judge Brian C. Yep, Deane and Baraff successfully defended Emergency Medicine nurse practitioner against Plaintiff alleging permanent injury to her left hand in a slip and fall/hand laceration injury sustained on the job. Plaintiff, a Medi-Cal recipient, alleged that delay in being treated by a hand specialist caused further damage…
Read MorePatrick Stockalper obtains defense verdict in steroid-induced glaucoma case
Plaintiff underwent surgery by the defendant to remove a pterygium in his right eye. He alleged that he was prescribed steroids by the defendant for post-operative pain and inflammation after the surgery by the defendant although the defendant failed to properly check his eye pressure in the post-operative period. Steroids are known to cause an…
Read MoreJury gives Jon Schwalbach and Jim Kjar defense verdict in case alleging negligent ERCP procedure.
Plaintiff underwent an emergency ERCP procedure and stent placement by defendant interventional gastroenterologist at a local hospital. Plaintiff claimed that at the time of her discharge and thereafter the physician did not give her adequate followup instructions regarding removal of the stent he placed and in fact refused to remove it because she did not…
Read MorePatient v. OBGYN Practitioner
Ryan Deane represented a OBGYN practitioner in a medical malpractice case involving transection of illiohypogastric nerve during performance of a cesarean section delivery. The patient underwent subsequent surgical repair of the transected nerve, however, the patient continued with severe and debilitating pain and was ultimately diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome. The patient continued to…
Read MoreJudge Renders Defense Verdict in Favor of Jon Schwalbach and Jim Kjar
Plaintiff underwent a thymectomy procedure for Myasthenia Gravis. Following the surgery he developed a bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury which left him without a functioning voice. Plaintiff’s expert, Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Rutgers University testified that the surgeon went too far laterally in his dissection and injured the nerves. The defense contended that the…
Read MoreRobert McKenna Successfully Defends Three Sub-Specialists in a Week Long Arbitration
Claimant presented with a two month history unrelenting jaw pain following a tooth extraction. He was seen by several physicians who missed what was ultimately diagnosed as an infectious process in the jaw that required several surgeries and lifelong injury. The dentist who extracted the tooth settled prior to arbitration and a defense award was…
Read MoreRobert McKenna Defenses a Wrongful Death Case in Riverside County
The decedent presented to a local emergency room with a month long history of spontaneous bleeding from the mouth and nose secondary to extensive over coagulation. The initial work up of the patient revealed an INR in excess of 10 and the patient was discharged home having been given oral vitamin K and being told…
Read MoreJon Schwalbach and Jim Kjar defense wrongful suspension case
A dermatologist practicing in a large Southern California medical group had his privileges revoked for failing to practice in a safe and reasonable matter. He appealed to a Superior Court Judicial Review Committee who overturned the findings of the medical group and found that the group’s actions were not reasonable. A lawsuit by the doctor…
Read MoreJim Kjar and Hannah Dunn get defense award in another case involving bowel perforation
The patient underwent a removal of her gallbladder performed by a general surgeon. Five days post operatively she was admitted with a diagnosis of sepsis. A subsequent surgery found perforations of both her large and small intestines. She was hospitalized for several months and required multiple further surgeries and a permanent colostomy. She claimed damages…
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